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Posts posted by MystiK1337

  1. Nice find, I saw the same thing on a ytmnd. (cut up into seperate frames). Although they do have a point there still is a huge difference between the dream cast and xbox 360 in their launch. Prior to launch of the 360 Microsoft had aquired a considerable amount of momentum on their "Xbox franciase (spelling?)". However, DreamCast didnt have a largely successful previous console. But.... Blah, blah, blah.. forget that.Bottom line is that sony will continue to dominate the video game market (in consoles that is) , as they always have.

  2. I think Xisto is heading the right way in terms of posting requirement hosting. They build a positive community through which people are encouraged to post quality material, on a regular basis. I always here people complaining that its insanely difficult to gain hosting credits. quotes like... "I already posted 3 TimeEZ and NO hosting CredITz WTF". These kinds of people are most likely not the types that Xisto staff members wish to have here. Having the mentality of solely gaining hosting credits based on quality posts, brings out the positive online comunity.

  3. they even have competitions...

    check this out... they even have some sort of a high score list

    -----  -------------------------------- ------  ----  ---- --------------rank          description              digits  who  year  comment
    -----  -------------------------------- ------  ----  ---- --------------
        1  2^25964951-1                  7816230 G8  2005      Mersenne 42?
        2  2^24036583-1                  7235733 G7  2004      Mersenne 41?
        3  2^20996011-1                  6320430 G6  2003      Mersenne 40?
        4  2^13466917-1                  4053946 G5  2001      Mersenne 39
        5f 27653*2^9167433+1        2759677 SB8  2005                       
        6  28433*2^7830457+1        2357207 SB7  2004                 
        7  2^6972593-1                    2098960 G4  1999      Mersenne 38
        8  5359*2^5054502+1          1521561 SB6  2003                       
        9b 4847*2^3321063+1        999744  SB9  2005                       
      10  2^3021377-1                  909526  G3  1998      Mersenne 37

    Notice from saint-michael:
    make sure to quote your material since you got this from the website.

  4. ... Hey you should do a follow up reply on this.


    ok :)


    Here is basic overview of the most important DHMO incidents.


    1990 - Two students attending UC Santa Cruz, Eric Lenchner and Lars Norpchen started the "DHMO Hoax" by warning those of DHMO contamination.


    1994 - The first DHMO website was created by Craig Jackson for a newly formed Coalition to Ban DHMO. This was widely circulated throught the online community and even made its way to an ad advocating the banning of DHMO in an issue of Analog Magazine (1995).


    A mirror to the first DHMO Website:



    And if this wasent funny enough already, here is what some of the college students had to say in response to Craig Johnson's webpage, Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide:



    I like this letter

    Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1995 20:21:47 -0500 (EST)

    From: O. L.

    Subject: DHMO


    Dr. S.,

            I fully agree that the evil chemical dihydrogen monoxide must be

    banned in all forms.  After all I hate to bathe and who cares if over 70%

    of our bodies are made from this substance.  I think we need to ship all

    the Earth's dihydrogen monoxide to the moon, because there this substance

    will no longer cotaminate our planet.

                            N. R.


    (P.S.-- Just kidding!!

    a very interesting article

    I wonder how many fell for


    1997 - A junior high student as Idaho Falls, Nathan Zohner, age 14, polled 50 people in which 43 of them voted to ban the chemical. He entered his project, "How Gullibe Are We" , in the Idaho falls science fair and recieved first place for his analysis of the hoax.


    Furthur information: http://www.snopes.com/science/dhmo.asp


    A related article: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    1997 - Kate Dalgleish and Mikael Sydor, two highschool students from Calgary and Alberta, created a petition to ban the chemical as part of their high school film festival project. Among those who signed included high school chemistry teachers and university science students. The petition asked the canadian municipal government to ban the substance under a act proposed as the fictitious Hazardous Chemical Act. As for their film, it won the film festival and became widely popular among the nearby high schools.


    You can view the film here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    1997 - A showtime series starrring Penn and Tellker, *BLEEP*!, DHMO was used in an episode, in which they environmentalists sign a petition to ban DHMO.


    This is what introduced me into the hoax. You can see it on SWCTV 521 (an internet tv station http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ )


    2004 - Aliso Viejo officials almost ban DHMO, because of the use in the production of foam containers.


    View the article here: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/4534017/



    Whew... that took a while.

  5. http://www.dhmo.org/ ... wow what a joke




    Think about it, Dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO) at first i didnt immediatly recognize it either due to the wierd inproper name. Normally, its proper name would just be Dihydrogen oxide. Anyway getting back to this DHMO website, its a total hoax. Suppodely its supposed to "illustrate how ignorance of science and one-sided analysis can lead to misplaced fears among environmental activists and others" bascially meaning that it shows how these activists will take for granted that this is true, without even thinking about the scientific meaning. It dosent take a genious to know what h2o is.


    What i found to be the funniest part was the methods that some of these people used to convice these activists of the danger of DHMO (again... water!)


    Take a look at this...


    Acording to them the "Dangers of Dihydrogen monoxide" include


    1. The substance... is a major component of acid rain.

    2. ... contributes to soil erosion.

    3. ... accelerates corrosion and breakdown of metals and electrical equipment.

    4. ... with excessive ingestion may cause various unpleasant, through generally not life-threatening, effects.

    5. ... with prolonged contact with its solid form results in severe tissue damage.

    6. ... may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.

    7. ... when inhaled, even in small quantities, may cause death.

    8. ... in its gaseous form may cause severe burns.

    9. ... has been found in the tumors of terminal cancer patients.

    10. Withdrawal by those addicted to the substance causes certain death within 168 hours.



    wow... and only to add to that, A city by where i live, Aliso Viejo, almost falls for the whole hoax. The City officials were notified that in the production of foam cups, the dangerous chemical was used, and they almost bame to a conclusion of banning the chemical.


    wow.. this is sad

  6. hahaha..

    I really like this one. I wonder how long the creator must have took to make 200 alerts......5 minutes or 2 days?






    actually, its quite simple. This is an infinite number of alerts with a repeating message.



    now for the alerts in which he used numbers (representing the number of alerts) you could just assign a variable, lets say count. So after every alert you could increase count by one and replace the message with the variable count.

  7. Im sure there will be a playstation 4, If i am correct the PS3 has already been developed and now they are doing the finishing touches, mass production... etc. That would lead me to assume that the PS4 is probly being worked on now.As for myself, i dont own a ps2 but i have an xbox and gamecube. I regret buying an xbox and for the future, i plan to buy a ps3. It seems to me that Sony is taking the higher road when it comes to technology, when microsoft is focusing on the community aspect of the console, being able to fully interact with friends, society. blah blah blah etc.

  8. For the most part ive had no problem with the amount of ads on this forum but recently the ones that make sounds (refering mostly to the talking smileys) are very annoying. I really hope that in the future ads will not concentrate on the use of sounds, more flashing to attract attention.

  9. this is in java

    import TerminalIO.*;import java.util.Random;public class project6_1GuessingGame{	public static void main (String[] args)	{  KeyboardReader reader = new KeyboardReader();  Random random = new Random();    int randomNumber,  guessedNumber = 0;  char runAgain = 'y';    randomNumber = random.nextInt(101);        	  System.out.println(randomNumber);  while (runAgain == 'y' || runAgain == 'Y')  {  	guessedNumber = reader.readInt("Please pick a number between 1 and 100: ");  	if (guessedNumber < randomNumber)    	System.out.println("Too low!\nGuess again!" +"\n");    if (guessedNumber > randomNumber)    	System.out.println("Too high\nGuess again!" +"\n");    if (guessedNumber == randomNumber)    	System.out.println("You got it!" +"\n");  	while (guessedNumber != randomNumber)  	{    guessedNumber = reader.readInt("Please pick a number between 1 and 100: ");    if (guessedNumber < randomNumber)    	System.out.println("Too low!\nGuess again!" +"\n");    if (guessedNumber > randomNumber)    	System.out.println("Too high\nGuess again!" +"\n");    if (guessedNumber == randomNumber)    	System.out.println("You got it!" +"\n");  	}	  	runAgain = reader.readChar("Play again (y/n)? ");  	if (runAgain == 'n' || runAgain == 'N')  	{    System.exit(0);  	}  }	}}

  10. I could care less what you say. I posted that from my perpective. I still say the X-Box 360 will bash the PS3.

    And yes Sony should have stopped, just imagine the PS4. B);


    I was wrong with Nintendo. As I was reading this I remembered the Gamboy Mirco. Although remember that the Nintendo Revolution has not been released to the stores just yet.


    The X-Box 360 will have High Definition, also. I'm telling you, this console is going to rock the market. Sony is going to feel the pinch like never before.

    The Xbox 360's ATI graphics core also throws a wrench into our graphics comparison since it uses a new-fangled Unified Shader Architecture that mixes up pixel- and vertex-pipelines and makes comparison to older video card technology very difficult. The Xbox 360 graphics core may have 48-pipelines, but we don't know how powerful they are compared to dedicated pixel and vertex pipelines.


    The PlayStation 3 has a pretty strong Nvidia graphics processor, but you can see how Sony may be afraid of the specification sheet comparison by the pipeline number conveniently omitted from the PS3 graphics specifications. We're guessing that the RSX graphics processors has a traditional, non-unified shader engine, so it likely has a smaller total "pipeline" number than the ATI chip. Even if the RSX's normal pipelines are more powerful than the Xbox 360's pipes, Sony doesn't want to risk printing a lower "pipeline" number since people won't understand that it isn't an apples-to-apples comparison.


    So how many traditional pipelines does the RSX have? Sony has revealed that the RSX GPU has a 550MHz core clock and has over 300 million transistors. Sony has also stated that the chip is more powerful than two GeForce 6800 Ultra cards put together. Your first guess might be that Nvidia simply doubled the pipeline number on the 6800 Ultra to make the RSX, but you also have to remember that the Ultra only clocked in at 400MHz. If the "double" performance measurement is based on fill-rate performance rather than hardware, the clock speed increase up to 550MHz is clear sign that the hardware improvement isn't from a pure doubling of pipelines. We're guessing that the actual pipeline count is going to be at 24, which is about right for 300 million transistors and, at 550MHz, has just a slightly larger fill-rate than two GeForce 6800 Ultras clocked at 400MHz. Since the GeForce Ultra had 6 vertex pipelines, the RSX likely has 6 more vertex pipes in addition to the 24 pixel pipelines.


    I mean c'mon, it has 10MB eDRAM embedded video memory, 22.4 GB/s main memory bandwidth, 256 GB/s to eDRAM, 21.6 GB/s FSB, 20GB Removable Hard Drive, and 802.11 A/B/G Wi-Fi ready, adapter not included, though. But how can you compete with that?!?!


    I admit to the one thing that I like about the PS3 that the X-Box 360 doesn't have, and thats a Blue-Tooth Wireless Controller. Thats about it. Other than that, its nothing compared to the X-Box 360. MicroSoft Prevails.


    wow.. might as well just copy the whole gamespot article "PlayStation 3 vs. Xbox 360"




    (sorry for the quote / reply ratio)

  11. I recently downloaded Saint_Michael 's collection of brushes ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) but i seem to have a problem using them. I am using Photoshop 7.00 and after i downloaded the brushes I placed them directly into my photoshop brushes folder. Most of the brushes i am able to load, but other i get this message. "Cannot load the brushes because the file is not compatible with this version of photoshop"

    Did i miss some instructions?

    thier is over 1000 brushes but i have grouped them together, in alphabetical order, highly recommend that you have a updated computer with big hard drive along with a go RAM or adobe photoshop 7-CS2 will freeze. also due to the large files, you need to give it time to let the brushes load as well.

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