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Posts posted by FoxGirl

  1. well more information about the matter which I have just found out about due to my ex making it a point to tell me and send me pictures about it...the 20 year old girl that he is engaged to is now pregnant with his child...Why is it when a couple breaks up one of them decides it is a must to rub things in the others face? But it is just another reason to move one and thank my lucky stars that it isn't me and that I didn't end up with him or pregnant.tell me what you think

  2. thank you everyone that has written something about this matter....I am going to let you all know that I have moved out and I am doing the single life for now...I need to get back on my feet and find myself again....and have fun doing it...its still hard to deal with but I know that I will get threw it and come out to be the happy one...thank you all again and please keep writting...

  3. I was in a long term relationship with a man for 4 years and all of a sudden it was over due to him talking to a girl that lived across the street and it was getting into a sexual manor. After we broke up he was still saying that he loved me and that he didn't want me to leave and that he wanted to work things out. I still decided to move out and now I have found out some very hurtful facts of what he is doing now. He is now engaged to a 20 year old girl that he has known for a month and a half. He is almost 35 years old. She has a child by another man and has a very dark past. He has also gotten a marriage licence. I ran into him at walmart and he was buying a pregnance test. She lives with him and they are buying a house.....


    How can he just move on like that? Why isn't he hurting like I am?


    Was I that easy to forget.?


    (help me)

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