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Posts posted by DJM

  1. you want to increase the space outside of the border? If so then you should increase the margin pixels in the div.img section, increase it to something like 10px and see if it is working. I hope I understood you correctly.


    Hey, yes you understood exactly what I was after. I increased what you said to 10px and it increased the size outside the box like I wanted, but to ALL sides of the box. Remembering what you said in another post helped me though. I got rid of the margin:10px; from below the div.img part in the <head></head> section altogether. Then I added style="margin-right:10px;" to the <div class="img"> which was down near the image itself, and it worked! Although you didn't tell me exactly what to do, you told me what to do from a couple of different posts that I put together to make it work.


    So the code altogether for where the image is looks like this:

    <div class="img" style="float: left;" style="margin-right:10px;"><img src="images/screenshots_dos/larry1.jpg" alt="Lefty's Bar" width="200" height="130" /><div class="desc">Outside of Lefty's Bar, where it all begins.</div></div>
    EDIT: Ah crap lol. It works in IE but not Mozzila, damn it! Oh well, I give up. Thank you so much for ALL your help, I appreciate it very much. If it doesn't work in Mozilla though, then I'll just leave it I guess.

  2. Thanks you! All that worked except for the third one:

    @your third question: just add the padding property to the div.desc css like this:

    div.desc  {  text-align:center;  font-weight:normal;  width:120px;  margin:2px;  padding:2px 5px;  }
    By adding the padding, that did add a space, but inside the border. Therefore, the text on the rest of the page is still touching the border, if you know what I mean.

  3. Ah, I have two more little problems. In the <head> part, it says "float:left;". As I want to have a few images on the same page that have different positions how do I get around that? I normally position my images with align="right" for instance, is there a way to do this?

    Also, the text on the page outside the box touches the border of the box which is unattractive. I normally use:

    style="border-right:10px solid #2F2C2C;"
    with an image to create a border, is there a way to do this with the box that can be customizable to every one on the page? I tried doing it but it made the particular side of the box disappear altogether.

  4. you should do it with css, very easy just look at the code below.

    Awesome, that's works great thanks you! I just have one question if I may. I tried changing the font properties so the font matches the rest of my font on my page. I assume I have to change some of the following:
    I tried changing the font-weight from normal to "light" or "lighter", also I added a number amount like 100. All of those did nothing. I then tried adding the line:

    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    Which is in my normal css stylesheet but it also made no change. Any ideas besides those on how to change the font in the box? Other than that it is perfect!

  5. I have been trying to find out how to display an image on my page with a box around it which can also hold text. Here is an example of what I'd like to do, go down the page a little bit where it says game play, and has ("Lefty's Bar", the opening scene of the game) written in the box with the image.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ know how to do this? Keeping in mind, if you know how you might have to explain in some detail as I am not overly knowledgeable with all this stuff, thanks.

  6. The problem is how you structured the content. #left should be its own container, whose only purpose is to float to the left; it should not have any other styling (except perhaps width). Therefore you can shove other boxes in there and they will all be on the left side and they can have their own styling.

    Oh ok, would you be able to post the style sheet here with the modifications to show me? As I am a bit of a spazoid with this stuff, if not I'll give it a blind crack myself, thanks.

  7. Just wanted to ask for some help with my site regarding CSS Stylesheet. If you go to my site and see that there is a menu list on the left hand side. I wanted to create another box under that one the same width. The contents of my CSS Stylesheet is below, anyone know how to do this? As I have tried but am unable to do so.

    I also previously got help to set up that current menu so it is embedded using a particular code that links to another file so I only have to change that particular file in order to change the menu thus not having to change every page on the site when I want to change the menu. It would be great if I could set this up the same. But for now I just need to know how to do it.

    I thought I would post this here as the help I have had previously with this forum was great and I appreciate everyone's help, thanks.

    * {	margin: 0;	padding: 0;}body {background: #000000;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 13px;line-height: 17px;color: #eee;}a {text-decoration: none;color: #FFE788;}a:hover {text-decoration: none;color: #eee;}#wrap {margin: 20px auto;width: 800px;}#header {height: 60px;line-height: 60px;}#header h1 {color : #fff; font-size: 50px;letter-spacing: -7px;}#left {margin-top: 10px;float: left;width: 160px;font-size: 13px;padding: 10px;background: #2F2C2C;border-left:1px solid #FFE788;border-right:1px solid #FFE788;border-top:1px solid #FFE788;border-bottom:1px solid #FFE788;}#left ul {list-style-type: square;padding: 5px 0 10px 30px;color: #FFE788;}#left h2 {font-size: 20px;font-weight: 100;letter-spacing: -2px;padding: 5px 0 5px 0;}#right {margin-top: 10px;margin-bottom: 50px;float: right;width: 580px;background: #2F2C2C;text-align: justify;padding: 10px;border-left:1px solid #FFE788;border-right:1px solid #FFE788;border-top:1px solid #FFE788;border-bottom:1px solid #FFE788;}#right h2 {font-weight: 100;letter-spacing: -2px;font-size: 28px;padding: 15px 0 10px 0;}#right h2 a {}#right h2 a:hover {color: #fff;text-decoration: none;}#footer {background: #0D0D0D;font-size: 11px;text-align: center;margin-top: 30px;padding: 5px 0;}

  8. Everything is working now.

    Hey, thanks very much for that. Now I'll just go through and add that code to the other pages on the site.

    I know I shouldn't give my log-on details to anyone but I just went out on a limb and trusted you. It was funny because I told a few people in the chatroom I did that and they said you can't be trusted and it was a very bad idea, but they were joking and had me worried for a short time lol. So thanks again for that, I appreciate it very much indeed!

  9. no. all files should be in the same main directory. what web hosting company are you using to host your website?


    So now we have to figure out why it's not working for YOU. I don't get any message when I visit your website with or without the "www". so I don't really know what your talking about? Where do you get this message and when do you get it? is it an error message of some sort? do you see your site at all? i am not fully understanding what you are meaning. someone mentioned earlier that your webhost may not support php. have you verified that your webhost supports php? if so, what version is it?


    Hi, my site is hosted at 50webs.net. That error message won't happen right now because as soon as I saw it didn't work I removed those files from the server and put the original index.html file back in there. I got that message when I uploaded the php and htaccess files plus the new index files and went to the site. Once I changed the site back I got it once again, but like you said I probably just needed to refresh the browser. So basically the message is only displayed when I add the modified index.html file plus the php and htaccess files. I assume 50webs allows php as it has a PHP Settings link, there is lots of setting in there such and choosing PHP 4, PHP 5 or PHP 6 and the following settings, (I have put what the current setting is for each next to the headings).


    register_globals (ON)

    The register_globals setting controls how you access form, server, and environment variables. By default this variable is set to Off, requiring you to use special arrays to access these variables. When register_globals is set to On, PHP scripts are more vulnerable to attacks.


    short_open_tag (ON)

    Tells whether the short form (<? ?> ) of the PHP's open tag should be allowed. If you want to use PHP in combination with XML, you can disable this option in order to use <?xml ?> inline. Otherwise, you can print it with PHP, for example: <?php echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; ?> . Also if disabled, you must use the long form of the PHP open tag (<?php ?> ).


    display_errors (OFF)

    These settings define whether PHP should display errors in the browser or be silent. It is recommended that you turn this setting Off during production to avoid any accidental display of sensitive information about your website. This holds true especially for dynamic websites that send usernames and passwords to access a database.


    magic_quotes_gpc (OFF)

    Magic Quotes represent the process of escaping special characters with a '/' to allow a string to be entered into a database. The process is considered 'magic' because PHP can do this automatically for you if you have magic_quotes_gpc turned on.


    file_uploads (ON)

    The file_uploads settings allow you specify whether or not to allow HTTP file uploads.


    allow_url_fopen (ON)

    This option enables the URL-aware fopen wrappers that enable accessing URL object like files.


    allow_url_include (OFF)

    This option allows the use of URL-aware fopen wrappers with the following functions: include(), include_once(), require(), require_once().

    memory_limit (8M)

    This sets the maximum amount of memory in bytes that a script is allowed to allocate. This helps prevent poorly written scripts from eating up all available memory on a server.


    post_max_size (8M)

    Sets max size of post data allowed. This setting also affects file upload. Note that this value must be larger than upload_max_filesize.


    upload_max_filesize (2M)

    This setting specifies the maximum size of an uploaded file. Note that the upload_max_filesize value must be smaller than post_max_size. Otherwise the post_max_size value should be used.


    max_execution_time (30)

    This sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to run before it is terminated by the parser. This helps prevent poorly written scripts from tying up the server.]


    zend_optimizer (OFF)

    This setting enables Zend Optimizer and Ion Cube for your PHP version. Note that if this setting is enabled, the APC module should be automatically turned off.


    apc (OFF)

    The Alternative PHP Cache (APC) is a free and open opcode cache for PHP. Its goal is to provide a free, open, and robust framework for caching and optimizing PHP intermediate code.

    If enabled, this setting will automatically turn off the Zend Optimizer and the Ion Cube modules for incompatibility reasons.

  10. I took time out to create the 3 separate files you need.

    Hi, thanks very much or taking the time to do that. I just wanted to give up as I didn't want people spending their time doing it for me as it makes me feel bad. I put the files into the folder on my computer where all the files for my site are and it didn't work. I uploaded them to my server on the net and it didn't work also. I get that same message that I said I got prior.

    Do I have to put any of the files in their own folder or a separate folder besides the index.html file? When you said it worked for you, was that on your computer? Thanks.

  11. Hey guys, I tired and it didn't work. Thanks for your help web_designer, I appreciate your time.


    Well I uploaded the ".htaccess" file to my server. I then uploaded the "menu.php" file and it was called "menu.php.txt". I changed the folder options on my computer so I could see file extensions then deleted the ".txt" from the end of the "menu.php" file and uploaded it again. I had the appropriate text in the index.html and home.html files and then uploaded them to test and it didn't work.


    Even though I have deleted all those files from my server now to change it back to the way it originally was before this test, I get a weird message when I type "goldenagegaming.com" into the explorer address-bar which is:


    You have chosen to open


    which is a: application/x-httpd-phd

    from: http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=goldenagegaming&e=com


    That message above only comes up when I type "goldenagegaming.com" but doesn't display when I type in the full "http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=goldenagegaming&e=com;. That never happened before I tried all this stuff. But I have changed everything back to normal so I don't know what the hell is going on lol.


    Anyway everyone, I appreciate all your help SO MUCH and you are all very nice, but I truly give up as this is all over my head and I hate being babied when I can't do something like a dumb retard, and I obviously cannot do this stuff so thanks again for all your help with this and sorry to waste all your time.

  12. No no no. You don't select all files, just paste the 2 line code in notepad, and save as ".htaccess" WITH the quotes. The proper format would be a text document so don't select all files.

    I pasted the 2 line code into notepad and saved it as ".htaccess" WITH the quotation marks included and it did not work. The icon for the file once again is the icon the computer displays when it doesn't recognize the file.& when I open the website's page there is nothing displayed where the menu should be and the code <?php include 'menu.php'?> is. I am doing this on my computer as oppose to uploading it to the internet server. That wouldn't have anything to do with it would it?

  13. Add what he said to add in your .htaccess file. if you don't have one yet, create one since your site right now is in html format.

    Ok guys, I tried creating a .htaccess file from a tutorial I saw but it didn't work. I pasted the appropriate code you told me to into notepad, then I selected "all files", and called it ".htaccess". But after I saved it the icon for it was the icon that shows when your computer doesn't recognize the file. I did every thing else so the only thing I need to know is how to properly create a .htaccess file. I found a few tutorials but they weren't very clear, thanks guys.

  14. First you want to add what he said to add in your .htaccess file. if you don't have one yet, create one since your site right now is in html format. this code will allow you to use php in your html document.....

    RemoveHandler .html .htmAddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html
    Hi, thanks VERY much for that, you made it seem very simple. I feel confident in doing that now but have one question first. How do I create a ".htaccess" file. Do I add the code you mentioned above into a document and save it as ".htaccess" on the end of what the file is called? & if so what do I name the file? Thanks very much.

  15. If you look at my site HERE you'll see a list on the side that says: Home, Reviews, Links, Staff & Contact.

    If I wanted to change that or add another link I would have to change every page on the site which is obviously very time consuming and annoying. I know a way to get around it would be to use frames. But I was wondering if it was possible to put it in the CSS stylesheet somewhere so you only have to make a change to the CSS stylesheet instead. Is that even remotely possible at all, or am I dreaming of something that isn't going to happen?

  16. add margin-bottom: 100px; to the 'right' div of your CSS file to see if it does what you expect.

    Excellent! That did work indeed in FF & IE. I thought it would be something very simple and obvious, but obvious things aren't always so obvious for me as I am lacking in HTML/CSS knowledge. Thank you kindly for your great help, I really appreciate it very much.

  17. Hello all, I am wanting to add a space at the bottom of each page of the site I am doing, in particular the long pages where the font goes all the way to the bottom such as THIS page. I would like to add a space AFTER the table if that makes sense to break it up as I find it annoying to read the font at the bottom of the page the way it is.

    I am using a CSS stylesheet so if it could be done there it would be cool, if not I am happy to add a code to each page if need be. I would love a code that works in Mozilla and IE if possible. I am not very literate in HTML/CSS stuff so if anyone is kind enough to respond to this it would be immensely appreciated if you explain it simply.

    The code for my stylesheet is as follows:

    * {	margin: 0;	padding: 0;}body {background: #000000;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 13px;line-height: 17px;color: #eee;}a {text-decoration: none;color: #FFE788;}a:hover {text-decoration: none;color: #eee;}#wrap {margin: 20px auto;width: 800px;}#header {height: 60px;line-height: 60px;}#header h1 {color : #fff; font-size: 50px;letter-spacing: -7px;}#left {margin-top: 10px;float: left;width: 160px;font-size: 13px;padding: 10px;background: #2F2C2C;border-left:1px solid #FFE788;border-right:1px solid #FFE788;border-top:1px solid #FFE788;border-bottom:1px solid #FFE788;}#left ul {list-style-type: square;padding: 5px 0 10px 30px;color: #FFE788;}#left h2 {font-size: 20px;font-weight: 100;letter-spacing: -2px;padding: 5px 0 5px 0;}#right {margin-top: 10px;float: right;width: 580px;background: #2F2C2C;text-align: justify;padding: 10px;border-left:1px solid #FFE788;border-right:1px solid #FFE788;border-top:1px solid #FFE788;border-bottom:1px solid #FFE788;}#right h2 {font-weight: 100;letter-spacing: -2px;font-size: 28px;padding: 15px 0 10px 0;}#right h2 a {}#right h2 a:hover {color: #fff;text-decoration: none;}#footer {background: #0D0D0D;font-size: 11px;text-align: center;margin-top: 30px;padding: 5px 0;}

    Notice from rvalkass:

    Please remember to use the correct BBCode in your posts. Thanks.

  18. Hi all, I am making a website and want to change a table's border color. I am using the regular code of: bordercolor="#000000", and it just stays white, any help would be appreciated. The link to the test page is here.

    I am using CSS for the tables but it's too complicated for me and no tutorial can explain it plain enough with complete instructions on how to do it all. I have made the site completely on my own but I am no HTML / CSS guru by any means.


    I am using CSS for the tables.

    Oops, I mean I would use them, but too complicated for me.
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