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Everything posted by Trystim

  1. Oh how nice it is to see that people can't just log on and start blasting the crap out of someone who makes valid points in discussions just because they don't agree. Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime. http://news.a.com.com/
  2. so are you going to hook us up with a link to the stock photo (aka render) that you used in this tut example or am i gonna have to spend hours on finding it lol . I hear ya on the how to use render bits, seems everyone in their brother does a tut on that and the thing is people will use them how they want that is how new styles are born.
  3. well 2 things, first i am saying i can fully sympathize with what your saying as I hate crowds of people to begin with.2nd I thought this was a post in regards to how much of a let this potter film was, I feel this was a huge step backwards in the potter series the story was less then filling in my opinion and there wasn't much to the climax before you were on your way back down in the film again.I am loving the series just was disappointed in this one in particular I look forward to seeing the other 5 there are supposed to be but I had also read somewhere that the kid playing potter is going to do other films and is done with the potter films can anyone confirm or deny this. If this is the case that will be a huge hit to the series as being a main character it is hard to replace him and still get a good bond with the crowd.again just my 2 cents and saying i can sympathize with your brat at the theatre problem probably should of created my own vent in regards to letdown i had from the film.
  4. in your situation i would say that is uncalled for, but sometimes it is absolutely funny when people end up getting hurt just because they deserve it.I am not saying you fall into this category it doesn't sound like it.But I have met people who are truly asshats of the world and deserve whatever bad karma kicks them in the **bottom** with regardless of how it happens.Hope you get/got everything straightened out or that it was simply an oversite for whatever reason on your part, I dont like thinking there are people who locally are that twisted to do something to me and I am sure most would agree with that. Even though we know there are people in this world who are twisted like that and beyond.
  5. I have been doing sigs and such for a while now and by far the easiest grunge tut i have seen in a while. I love the stock photo you used in the example, would love a link to that if you still have it available.Nice work thorough on your steps and easy to understand the basic concepts to a good tut. I hope to posting some results of my work here in the near future.
  6. nice quick and easy I myself wouldn't use it for anything but for those wanting to try some other techniques for bg's on websites or for making wallpapers maybe it could be pretty useful.
  7. First things first let me say hello to all the old members who are still here and posting if any of you even remember who I am. I have returned from a long period of inactivity for one reason this is the best free hosting you can get unless you have a friend who runs a server and gives you space. Now on to the topic at hand, Dungeons and Dragons Online, hereafter refered to as DDO. How many are going to be playing this or have gotten into the beta I am going to be pre-ordering mine here within the next week . I have grown up on Dungeons and Dragons penicl and paper version and played since I was about 13 years old and still play it to this day (current age) 28 The creators have put alot of thought and time into creating this game and are active in the pencil and paper version of it as well so they are putting forth more of an effort to keep it close to what people are used to. The graphics and movies from the game look phenomenal which you can see here. I forwarn any old school mmorpg players that this one is geared towards grouping and not soloing as was meant for D&D so no soloing to get to the highest level it promotes teamwork and knowing your class to succeed and do well. If any of you are currently in the beta please drop a post here on your thoughts of the game and what server your on and your name maybe I will pop on and see what you are up to. Look forward to seeing you all in the fantasy worlds.
  8. 1) Everquest 2 2) Everquest 3) World of Warcraft 4) Asheron's Call 5) Star Wars Galaxies Feel free to add any others... The reason I posted the quote before hand is because it is relevant to this topic in my opinion. For the first 2 weeks or so of any MMORPG release and yes i have joined them all at release and for the first 2 weeks They were all My favorite for the above reasons stated above. the newness of them creates an addiction and makes it hard to not like it for the first few days at least. but after that has all worn off i will vote for World of Warcraft and looking forward to Dungeons & Dragons Online and Vanguard.
  9. /agreeThere are in my eyes 2 types of people that irritate me to no end.1) Elitests = Think they are the best at whatever they choose to be the "best" at and are in no way inferior to anyone in that same category / aspect.In my opinion if that were the case you wouldn't be sitting there justifying to me you are this "best" person in this area of knowledge etc. etc.2) Stupid = No i dont mean like ooppss i did this or that accident type stupid I mean people who are truly so stupid that they are ignorant/oblivious to the fact that they are that way in regards to anything and there are alot of those people out there trust me. The ones that you wonder how they made as far as they have in life without getting killed by someone/something or even so much as killing theirself from the stupidity eminating from them.So trust me when I say i feel your pain i know where you are coming from and can say that I know what you mean.
  10. Where did you all get your brushes, Renders, and what not and where did you learn how to make your own / custom brushes if that is what you do?I am still relatively new to making sigs and what not that use brushes and such and i read somewhere that you can make them yourself but when i look for tuts there are so many of them out there that give the same end result but differ in how to make it to that end result.I understand the concept of renders and how they are achieved and even know how much time can go into cutting out the render from an original work of art if it is multi colored / shaped background and such. I am constantly on a daily basis learning new techniques, and tricks and such like grunge look, tech borders, etc etc stuff like that but I have yet to find something that really falls into my "category/style"So any input that you are willing to share/give I will gladly review openly and take it to "learning tree" and work with it learning more as I go as you can never fail when you are always learning something from the process.Thanks in advance.
  11. I wouldn't say I am severly addicted on another note yes I would.I started almost 6 yrs ago with Everquest and played it until Star Wars Galaxies was released then picked it up and played both slowly drifting away from Everquest.After coming to the conclusion that Star Wars Galaxies couldn't possibly be completly run by SoE due to the massive amounts of bugs they kept constantly having I eventually left it for Everquest 2 coming along with it machine upgrades and what not.Then World of Warcraft was released and bam away went Everquest 2 don't even touch it due to the graphics and processor requirements that even after upgrading my machine weren't good enought to run the game as graphically beautiful as it should be without having severe amounts of lag.World of Warcraft, Star Wars Galaxies, and Everquest as well as a few others in between on emu servers such as Lineage 2 and free ones like Knight Online and a few others.Now I do / did spend alot of time on all of these combined let alone daily as in get up go to work come home log in eat somewhere during the time of playing get off at like 3 am shower head to bed wake up 3 hrs later and repeat.After about the first week or so of gaming my time would diminish to playing the game and I would go back to my more regular routines such as reading, playing my PS2, chatting with friends on messenger and working on graphic design/web design projects that I would have set for myself that reached the pile of ignorance beside my desk during my times of playing.So, to me I think I become initially addicted for long enough that the newness of the game wears off and that is the extent of it as I know nothing is getting done in real life and I am just delaying it.I still log in 1-6 hrs weekly on WoW and 1-2 hrs for Everquest but have long since dropped Star Wars Galaxies, and Everquest 2.Addicted maybe but seems I am able to break the addiction after a little bit of time maybe it is the repeativeness that the games offer after your in them for a while or maybe I just don't have the interest anymore.I am at the point now of deciding wether or not to sell my WoW account which holds a 60 warlock with almost a complete set of next to epic armor quality and 1 piece of his epic armor and 41 rogue who is well equiped and a few minor toons on there as well just trying out other classes. (that is another subject in itself)So, I do believe it is possible to get addicted but I also know that it is very possible to break the addiction that can come with it if you really want to.
  12. I dont think this turned out to bad one of those "pop out" sigs. and playing around with flash Playing around
  13. *turns around behind him gets in the bookshelf and pulls out about 10 books on varying HTML topics from HTML to XHTML and flash books*I started about 6 years ago on web design from reading things on the web and stuff viewing other peoples pages and picking apart the HTML and putting it together my own way to see what did what.then i found all these books and some with cd's as well and I went to town. My friend uses XARA and Dreamweaver but I was doing stuff with notepad and later a program called CONText (programmers editor) before I found out about WYSIWYG editors and dreamweaver stuff like that.I have had people hiring for web design positions tell me that I know more then alot of kids coming out of college because I am self taught and people who teach themselves have a tendancy to retain and implement the information and knowledge better and have more hands on experience.So I urge anyone reading this that hasn't already get out there get some books they aren't that much and you can find them simple enough google what you want to know or any search engine of your choice pull code apart and put it back together your own way. you will learn more and as i said retain the information alot betterto learn is to practice and to practice you have to do it.
  14. well, my fiance got me a game cube originally for xmas , we went out a few days later looking for a few games to get to go with it and needless to say ToS was about the only one that even interested me the game choices are so kiddie and cartoony.As someone stated the competition for games is not very good with NGC but i would buy it for my kid or something plenty of games for the 12 and under crowd.TOS since that is what this topic is originally for is by far the best RPG for the GC out there and the combat system really was well done in my opinion but then I play multiple MMO's that have hugely differing combat systems and therefore usually a console gaming system is easy for me to pick up so I don't know to be honest if it is hard for a beginner or not.Graphics were pretty good considering.overall I liked it just not my fortee of a system.
  15. nice work great tutorial and I passed it on to a site that I am a member of giving you credit of course. They do alot of sigs there and such so I am sure it is something they can use fully.
  16. Yes but can you really put a price on memories, heritage, family heirlooms as per se the house is an heirloom passed through generations of the family or something to that effect.Market Price is substandard value then and it should be for the land and home combined unless they are buying me a home / giving me a home of equal or greater value with the money for my land which the house is contained on. And then in my eyes it still isn't feasable. If they were to try to do that to me here where I live in a house built by my grandfather in the family 3 generations now counting me and has been updated to meet current coding requirements for building standards and such otherwise untouched...they can offer me no amount of money that would be feasable or equal to the value of that in my opinion.
  17. Source Site I don't see how this is even constitutionally right, basically anyone with the money to do it can come in take your home/property say they are using to economically advance the area surroundings and compensate you what they feel is a fair price for your property leaving you basically out in the street with no roof overhead. To me sounds like they are just making it better for the corporate world to overtake things and make more masses of money for thier own beneficial gain and put more people out that can't afford to stand/fend for theirselves beyond providing for their family. just my 2 cents don't think it is fair to the general public in the US that this is right.
  18. can't edit posts so here is the screenshot I promised. I switched up from my gundam wing theme to a newer one more along my color tastes lol. I have added the screenshot as an attachment also
  19. As a matter of fact Yes I do, on all counts and questions. It has a built in shell swapper so at any time you simply pull it up tell it windows shell log off then back on and you have your windows shell to use without a problem. I can post some screenshots if you want me to that show you what mine looks like I have a variety of themes i use with mine but all are unique and interesting in my opinion and I have grown attached to the Gundam Wing Theme I have been using for some time even though it is kind of bright for my tastes. Any other questions feel free to ask and sorry it took so long for me to reply. Work and such has ben keeping me busy lol.
  20. you want to do this with less ram and less programs get the program called Aston Shell, more stable then almost any other shell out there and has appx 60+ pages of themes varying from linux emulated themes to dz and gundam wing. Aston Shell Web Page Here
  21. it should be up and running it has been appx 1hr since you posted you had enough credits it can take a little bit to kick in if it doesn't let you in by time 2hrs has passed i would email opaque or nilsc
  22. Phyre i got one for ya and hope you can do better then my feeble attempts that I made to render the image i am looking to have done.... Look below you will see the item up for question i have done everything I can think of in my arsenal to render it the way I will describe after I post it. desktopchina.com/desktopchina/wallpapers/source/tattoo/tattoo3.jpgin case it didn't show up i put the image link in code area.. i want rid of everything but the Tiger and flames (purple aura) around it. I want to lose the chinese text and the gold circles put it on a transparent background. In case you are wondering I want to turn it into flash for a tattoo I want to have done. I emailed the site to ask if the original psd was available with no response except that the email address was not responding to SMTP protocols...site email down maybe I don't know. Thanks for your help any questions email me or pm me email addy : demitrious.tra@gmail.com
  23. The system is by far not 100% perfect but it is accurate enough that it is dependable and reliable...and i must say there are things such as typo's which you can bring to admins attention via a PM if you notice them so that they can be corrected.Contradictions of the previous statements or what not may happen if the rules weren't all written at the same time or something to that effect but who is to say if we are not the ones who actually did it.They have never not answered any of my questions that i have emailed them about and never failed to clarify anything i was in doubt about.You don't have to be a member to email the admin and get some questions answered.The 3 is an easy typo to make considering it is right beside the 4 on the top row of keys unless of course you use the number pad.Again all I am saying is if you notice a contradiction or a type feel free to contact the admins at the email address provided in their profiles or via the contact us links provided in the documentation.
  24. If you ever fall into the negative amount of credits you have to get back up to +4.00 to get it reactivated after which it can take up to an hour for the pages to start showing again. Bear with it you will get it back if your credits are above +4.00 the only time you have to get it to +4 is if you let it drop below 0.Hope this helped ya
  25. I have never done them simply because i am just one of those people who take my rpg's to seriously and if i dont know the GM (games master) or can't see him.. How do i know he is jipping me off.....but sometimes you just gotta do whatever....being as that your from here and wanting to try I would be willing to help you out with it if you want let me know.....can email me demitrious.tra@gmail.com
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