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Everything posted by jan33

  1. btn_var5.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onClicked );function onClicked( e : MouseEvent ):void { //txt_main.text=globals.data.var1; if (txt_main.text==globals.data.var3) { toDo.gotoAndStop(3); } if (txt_main.text==globals.data.var2) { toDo.gotoAndStop(2); } if (txt_main.text==globals.data.var4){ toDo.gotoAndStop(4); } if(txt_main.text==globals.varHello){ toDo.gotoAndStop(5); }}
  2. oh.l. i get it! ))) i made a movieclip on a higher level with 5 frames in it each containing a different shape object and a this.stop();, left the first frame empty, labeled it toDo, then added this to the second actions frame: btn_var1.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onClicked );function onClicked( e : MouseEvent ):void { //txt_main.text=globals.data.var1; toDo.gotoAndStop(2);}btn_var2.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onClicked2 );function onClicked2( e : MouseEvent ):void { //txt_main.text=globals.data.var1; toDo.gotoAndStop(3);}btn_var3.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onClicked3 );function onClicked3( e : MouseEvent ):void { //txt_main.text=globals.data.var1; toDo.gotoAndStop(4);}btn_hello.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onClicked4 );function onClicked4( e : MouseEvent ):void { //txt_main.text=globals.data.var1; toDo.gotoAndStop(5);}this.stop(); THANKS!
  3. thanks for the info! Puts me a little closer to what i need but i dont know how to implement it usefully in my project..What Id need is to implement it something like if (global.hello==true){MovieClip(parent).container.gotoAndPlay(5);}if(global.I am variable one==true){this.gotoAndPlay(11);}etc etcId need to make things happen according to which var is true?can that be done somehow?
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