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Posts posted by Shengeta

  1. I like how what you said and what they say in that broadcast do not disprove global warming. They are just more ideas, good going.


    There are many more ideas supporting global warming than just greenhouse gases and cutting down trees. Yes we have more trees now than what we did before and yes we cut down on pollution now but you also have to include in on another factor.

    Between 1940 and 1975 when most of industrialization was taking place, global temperatures were cooling 1 and it wasn't until later when temperatures started rising again.

    Pollution that was caused 10-20 years ago is just ending it's damage now. Meaning if you stop pollution, the results won't come into effect until around 10-20 years later, so filters on giant factories, less pollutant cars? It doesn't matter much to the planet yet, only to our health. Obviously we don't get damage starting the factories, especially since factories then were not only smaller but they had 1% of the factories we have now.

    And how do you have a mini-ice age? You either have an Ice Age or not, you cannot declare a mini-era. It was just a time when things were cold for them, which also was a time win little to no polution from us occured.

    And yes the sun can causes changes but the thing is over 4billion years old, changes in the universe don't happen drastically within lifetimes besides the start of a star explosions (even the full explosion effects take longer than a lifetime to occur), they happen from hundreds to billions of years.

  2. Ok yeah your right about the Public IP I overlooked that. Ok so I should send that to support but how do I find out what the range or particular IP is that I need to send?My friend has a firewall at home but of course it is weaker than the college's.As for the possible causes they sound logical. It is the fact that it happens at different times when I'm doing different things. Either I could be posting, going through the Admin CP, ftp, etc. and it would happen at random but surely it would happen. Another new update is someone else on my board got it once just recently but it never happened again since. If this helps he was at his college at the time but my friend wasn't when it happened to him.Now for the HOSTS file... is there anything negative about editing it to possibly solve my problem? I'll read it now...Sorry for the double post but I did some more research and it seems much less like a DNS error anymore because only me and this other guy get it and we are at colleges. It doesn't seem like it is a firewall problem because nothing has been changed here, only the colleges are majorly getting it and normal PCs get it rarely with little to no firewalls. Plus I clear the DNS cach and nothing happens and that is supposed to rid of the problem for the moment...I agree with your IP website block. Something happens here that Xisto - Web Hosting doesn't like and we are automatically IP banned until the IP switches the next day... unless Xisto - Web Hosting clears it's IP ban list everday or something as well. This happens after I use the computer for about 5 minutes or something idk.---------------------------------------------------So I would like to ask this and try this out: If you could send my college's IP range, or get it for me, or tell me how to get it so I could send it to support - that would be awesome. Also maybe they wont keep that range from the banned list because of what is causing me to be on the banned list... either way I'd like to know what is causing me to get on the list if this is the case....and since a member gets it only at his college and all the time, maybe it is a average college process Xisto - Web Hosting servers don't like? (once again if this is the case)

  3. My friend barely got squat for a firewall and he still got the problem, but yes that sounds very plausible, but why would it majorly happen all of the sudden when nothing has been changed here though? When you say failed attempts, what goes in that category? Could it be anything minor because these computers get to all sites fine at lightning speed without failure so why would it happen only on my site and frequently - and is it a new thing used? I mean the computers here change their IP address every day and different sections of computers have their different IPs here so would I have to submit one everyday and on every computer I use?

  4. Ok. @BuffaloHELP: I'm much better than that. I pointed the nameservers to my site over a year ago with no problems - don't take me for a newbie. Sorry for no reply in the shoutbox as we are just starting over and we are starting to get thing kicking again, the site has yet to fully return.@serverph: Alot of changes are taking place and the forums are restarting like I said. So yeah the forums are the only thing I've been on (never tested the main site) and yeah sometimes I can go on it a bit like today I was able to go on it for an hour without a messup, then it messed up and later on I went on a different computer and was on it for a few hours without a problem yet. idk it seems like it eased up a bit but the problem is still there.I agree that it isn't a Xisto - Web Hosting server problem, I know the servers are fine, that is why it is a DNS error not Xisto - Web Hosting downtime. Something within the path of Windows XP recieving the domain name "KaonZero.com" is the problem. The server could do it without it being it's fault, the pc or network can do it and I bet Yahoo can do it since they hold the Domain name. I believe it is a little of the school network because it does it more there than anywhere else. While other people have the problem, it is much less severe and happens once in a great while.In the end, I think it is a bit of the college's network but at the same time I believe it can be a little of my site or CP's server, yet not being either of their faults, maybe they can mistake a little reading the domain name 99.9% instead of reading it 100% and giving me the problem because of this network. I mostly blame it on XP who saves the error in a cache and gives an error instead of the site until the cache clears.Also I cannot follow your steps, like I said, I already tried all that but I cannot accomplish alot of steps because of limited access here at the college.I just wanted to see if there was something you guys could do on your end to help out. If not then that is ok too, I guess I will have to deal with it, maybe it'll die down after a while or something idk.

  5. Yeah I've looked at that other post you've mentioned.


    Anyways I'm on the Delta server, can I actually post my domain name? I'll just say it, KaonZero.com. I go to the site and after a while I get a standard error instead or a redirection to MSN saying cannot find site because of whatever error or DNS errors or something like that.


    I told you how I know it is a DNS error. It only happens on 1 computer, or all the computers under one close network - I asked my other members and they can still reach it fine when I cannot. Then the computer cannot reach the site until probably 12-24 hours which is normal for a DNS error. Then I cannot ping my site, meaning the computer I'm on doesn't see it as existing.


    I never tweaked anything on the computers as I said before, I'm at my college and I have no administrative powers. The administrators did not touch the computers either, they only mess with them under big problems or between semesters.




    I've had DNS errors with you guys since I've been hosted on Xisto years ago, but it was only once in a GREAT while. I didn't care then but this is messed up.


    I now know it isn't a problem with any of the computers I used because I was on the phone with my friend last night and it happened to him just then and he couldn't connect for probably the next 12-24 hours - same error message, etc, I also asked a few other people and it happens with them on my site once in a while. So it probably has to be something in my backend and/or my domain name and/or something on the Delta server that may be conflicting with something else. One thing though, I did upgrade from IPB 2.1.7 to IPB2.2 recently but I doubt it is that, I got DNS errors once in a great while having IPB1.3 and IPB2.0 and right now I have nothing in the backend that was there around those times.



    But why would files in the backend cause DNS errors? Usually it is the server a computer is hosted on or the Domain name (which I get from Yahoo.com) which is conflicting with something...


    Maybe something happened on the Delta server which cause my Yahoo Domain name to not point correctly?



    EDIT: Ok it happened again, this time I was able to be on it for a little over an hour. I went to that dnsreprt site and I got these two failures:


    Posted Image

    I don't get what is wrong, if this may be the problem, or how to change or fix anything so if anyone could lead me through that, that would be awesome. Whelp, off to using proxies... *sigh*...

  6. A bit of info that might be needed first:


    -I go to college, the only time I can go to or work on my site is at that college usually and once in a while at a friend's house.

    -I don't have administrative access at the college.

    -Nothing has changed with the Network at the college since December.

    -My problem started maybe last week or it may have started weeks ago I don't remember using my site much before a week ago, but I highly doubt the problem started then.




    -After 5-30minutes of being on my site usually I can no longer go to it. It happens every single day. I know it is a DNS error after what I've tried and looked up online. I'm a lab monitor at my college and if it stops working on that PC, it will stop working on the PCs near it. Then I can go into the back room in the computer lab, use the site still afterwords but it eventually stops working 5-30minutes there too. Again, I know it is a DNS error after research but I cannot fix it since I don't know how, and some things would require administrative access. I guess the error could be a little bit of my site itself, the college's network, and/or your servers. Also, nothing online out of the dozens of sites I went to helped at all.




    -I tried flushin the DNS settings.

    -I tried multiple browsers.

    -I tried clearing the cache, cookies, etc.

    -I tried pinging the site, that command didn't find the site or the site's IP.

    -I tried proxies, I can get to the site on Proxies still, other members can get to it, etc. But what good is a proxy when doing backend/ftp work? Plus they are annoying to have to use.

    -I tried doing some other DNS command in command prompt, but it wouldn't let me without administrative access.

    -I talked to my mother who works with the higher ups in the academic department at the college. She can't figure anything out from what I told her and I cannot bring this to anyone else that works there since they don't deal with problems that happen with only one student and his site. Their network is working fine and everyone can get online fine and that is all they deal with.



    Before it would only do this once in a great while, and only with my site. Now it is constantly, instantly almost, and every day. Like I said, the college never touched it's network so would it be you guys or anything in the backend of my site? This happens to no other site on these computers and it doesn't happen much outside of college computers I believe.

  7. This is a question that can be for Xisto hosted sites as well, but since I'm not a hosted member of Xisto anymore and now a Xisto - Web Hosting member I will ask it here.

    I have a domain name set to the name servers ns1.computinghost.com and the ns2 one, this is my 1st Domain name so everything on my site is like mysite.com with all the subdirectories etc.

    Well I bought 2 new Domain names and pointed them to the same name servers and I've tried tons of things but I can't them to work the way I want them to work.

    Replacing my real domain names will be:
    original domain name: mysite.com
    2nd domain name: mysite2.com
    3rd domain name: mysite3.com

    I want something like this: mysite.com/forums = mysite2.com. I at least got mysite2.com to redirect to mysite.com/forums but I want the forums to say mysite2.com instead of mysite.com/forums.

    Is there a way to get everything to work like this in the cpanel? Do I HAVE to use the harder method: mod_rewrite in a .htaccess file in my root folder? If so what is the code I would have to write?

    Once I can do this I will do the same with mysite3.com to another area of my site.

    EDIT: Nevermind i fixed it. Here is what I did. I parked the domain, mysite2. Mysite2 would be the same as mysite so I had to change the .htaccessfile in the www/ directory so it includes:

    RewriteEngine OnOptions +FollowSymlinksRewriteBase /RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.* RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/subdir/RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /subdir/$1RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.*RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/subdir/RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /subdir/$1

    Repacing the word "domain" saying "mysite2" and the word "subdir" with forums. Then I went to the global conf in the forums to make sure all links are written as mysite2.com. Using mysite.com/forums can still work though.

  8. who the heck pays the monthly fee just to keep crashing MySQL and the server?I agree, everything I have runs on MySQL and I pay for this, it seams to crash every 15-30min or so, I work on my sites constantly, but I can't when it is like this.Whoever is doing this should be fined for doing this to all of us lolbut how come this only happens here? Most pay hosted sites on the internet have like 90some percent uptime, and alot of them are hosted, just because of one person attacking the server we can't have that uptime?

  9. it would be alot easier if you would just open up a bank account and get a debit card, then you can get a paypal account and have everything done for you, why pay by phone when you can do that? This way doesnt take long, and you can have everything automated for you and pay for you. Xisto - Web Hosting is where this offer should go anyways, Xisto already has a pay service there, why start a another one at Xisto?

  10. My cpanel says i have 5120mb of bandwidth and 180mb of space, I just went to Xisto - Web Hosting with the biggest package, so the cpanel should say I have 99,900mb of bandwidth and 5.4gigs of space. Is this a cpanel error or maybe something was done wrong when moving me from Xisto to Xisto - Web Hosting? Let me know how this can be fixed, thanks.

  11. Here are a few suggestions I have:--Have a script so someone can automatically transfer their Xisto/Xisto databases, files, etc. to their Xisto - Web Hosting account.--Let everyone here know more that Xisto is a registrar for domain names as well, I signed up at yahoo, then afterwords I found out Xisto - Web Hosting does it. Even though yahoo's names are cheaper right now, since I'm already using the services of Xisto, I would of rather registered domains from Xisto.--Accept payments straight from Debit/Credit cards as well as from Paypal and that other one.--Expand the Xisto - Web Hosting section a little, I wanted help, that isn't technical support or pre-purchase, and I don't where to go.***************Edit by Dooga: Fixed spelling mistake

  12. This is kinda pre-sales...Ok, I registered a domain name with Yahoo. It said maybe 75 hours till it gets fully up, then right after I went and bought the 9.99 package at Xisto - Web Hosting leaving the note for someone to take everything from my Xisto.com site to there, but i forgot to leave a link to my profile. Also when I signed up a I used the domain name that is still pending for the 75 hours.So now I can't access anything yet? when will everything be ready? and just for OpaQue to know if your the one who moves stuff from the Xisto sites to there, that was me who didn't leave a link to my profile, I signed up for ComutingHost using... can i say this?... my kaonzero.com domain name.So what do I do I'm kind of lost here

  13. I have the same all in one printer, works beautifully, has been for a long time, I think it is a good buy, just because one person has a bad experience doesn't mean others well. I have heard sooo many bad things and experiences from people going to Xisto, but when I came I absolutely loved it, now I'm moving to Xisto's pay version: Xisto - Web Hosting. So if I were to get a new innovating printer, I would go for HP.

  14. Ok Thanks that should clear everything up, I will probably buy the domain name first. Get ready OpaQue i should be doing this during this week lol.Ok one more question. I want to buy two domain names. Can I have it so "????.com" will go to the site like normal and "????????.com" can go to the /forums on that site? So the /forums and the main site can both have their own seperate .com domain names? like this????.computinghost.com = ????.com????.computinghost.com/forums = ????????.comthen lets say your on the index of the forums it would look sorta like: ????????.com/index.phpnow is that possible? sorry i don't know too too much about domain names I haven't tried them, only redirections.

  15. ok run me through this:I'm opening an account at the Bank of America, getting a debit card, opening a paypal account all within a short amount of time.Now how do I go about going from Xisto to Xisto - Web Hosting? Do I let opaque and Xisto know first? Do I open an account on Xisto - Web Hosting first then let this place know so someone can move me over? does it cost anything extra to do so? and I know some of the cheapest packages there are totally awesome and only $3.33 a month, what's the catch?Will I be able to use my own ".com" Domain name there if I bought one?Also, do you move my MySQL databases as well included with all me files?

  16. I can come up with a million ways to make this game better, just like any game. This one is so overated and it is not even close to being perfect. I'll list a couple:1) Make the game not suck, better replayability2) Have the characters be able to actually run, instead of walking real slow3) Put in dodging, and quick side straffing, maybe rolling4) Actually have hiding work, you can be in the darkest place, but shadowing doesn't work so you stick out like a sore thumb, remember how it was on Duke Nukem 3D?5) Give more playable character types than 2!6) I think it should have a more proffesional and awesome look like Doom7) Better levels to do multiplayer onOh yeah and a cool map editor would work :lol:

  17. yea definitely fanboy wars, ignore those, they are very annoying. Some things are better about each. Depending on the games overall, playstations are usually better, power xbox, the controller winner is the new xbox not ps3 mos of the time, ps3 will be the first to have blue ray discs, way better than dvds like xbox 360 and nintendo revolution will have. I guess the screen resolution is going to be better for ps3, the xbox 360 overall will have the better overall system when it comes to power, graphics, etc. but only by a tad. For default color, ps3s silver is way better than the ugly white on the 360, ps3 is a little smaller, still not even close to the revolution though. would you rather a disc tray slide out? (xbox 360) or would you rather have like a cool compact slot for the cd (ps3 and revolution I believe). But yeah I agree with lacking_imagination. I think it's the games that count more, who cares about the console, wait to see the games.

  18. Well hating parents is pretty stupid because like someone else said, they give you life. You can't hate what brought you into existence. But arguing and stuff can make you upset at them yes. Not all parents are that way though. Mine never were. I don't remember one time where my parents got into a serious fight. Maybe I'm just lucky. But you have to realize, being a kid or teen is pretty easy. It may not seem so but compared to being an adult it certainly easy. Adults have much more responsibilities and such. Life isn't an easy thing when you're and adult. Any one of us could end up being just like those adults in the future. They surely don't mean to make your life hard. The pressure just gets to them because life can be so tough. So it turns them negative. It's not their fault. It just happens. Instead of people getting angry at their parents or adults for fighting maybe they should try to see what they can do to stop it from happening. Find a way to lighten the mood and cheer them up. That's what I think.

  19. I'm not surpised that a lot of people hate school. It can feel like torture for some at times. Or people are just lazy. Or they just don't care at all. I'm not sure why people feel that way though. I never thought that way about school at all. In fact, I've always enjoyed it. No, I'm not relly a nerd or anything. I just always liked it for some reason. I enjoy learning new things. It's pretty fun actually. School teaches you many lessons and important things that you must know to succeed in life. I learned ways to get wealthy easier in my economics class. I understand how the government works much better thanks to my gov't class. I know how the criminal justice system works thanks to criminal justice class. I'm learning how the brain works and why people do what they do in my psychology class. This is just a sample of the important things that I've learned thanks to school. Education is very important. Even though many people hate school they know they need it. There's just no possible way to get anywhere in life without it. Plus, school is where I've met every single one of my friends. So I believe that school is a good thing and I'll always enjoy learning new things.

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