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Posts posted by Ingrid

  1. Actually I would prefer this rather than putting the ashes into a bowl or something because that can fall on the ground and than you're spread all over the floor.. In this way you can have that person always with you and it's not falling apart quickly I guess, so no spreading all over the floor ;)Anyway, in this way you have something beautiful always with you with a part of the one you loved. What's the use of a bowl with ashes..?

  2. I hate alarm clocks! They wake you up after a really nice, warm night, and make you face the hard, fast world again.. Getting out of bed is a nightmare for me. I just can't make myself trow my legs out of it.. Really annoying, cause I miss my train many times because of that :P I'm not really a morning person. Not that I'm sulky and stuff, I'm just a little bit late everywhere :P But it has a positive side also, I'm really fast in doing my hair and make-up and stuff, because I have so little time in the morning I had to learn to do it fast :PBut anyway, when I'm finally out of bed, I put my clothes on, do my hair, make-up etc, eat some cornflakes, hurry to the train and hope I'm on time at school ;)

  3. I want to buy a new cell, but I'm not sure if I want one with or without a camera. When I read this I would say no camera, you're right about the digital camera and stuff...But I'm not sure yet. If I take one with camera, I wanna have a 'good' one, for as far you can say that for a cellcamera.. I'm looking around ;)

  4. Wow, I'm so gonna try this out when I have my next presentation ;)I don't have school yet, so it will take some weeks before I have one...I can't really get that exciting feeling unless I really have a presentation, and than the feeling just appears right before I have to speak, and it will stay till I'm done.. So it would be great if I could control that feeling cause now I feel it the whole time so it remembers me that I'm nervous all the time.. Anyways, I'm gonna try it out :P Hope it works.. I don't really look at those sites normally, but it's very interesting :P Tnx for sharing :P

  5. Although they are not really eastereggs, they are funny :D Too bad I can't see the Elmer Fudd one, he says he can't find it :DI played a game once in which there was a pretty good very useless easteregg. You had to scroll down in the menu for like a couple of minutes and then there were a couple of words, I don't know anymore which ones, but they were sure useless :DI don't think google has one of those.. Someone willing to check out? Scroll down for an hour or so :D

  6. My brothers are totally addicted to GTA: SA. I don't really see the fun of it, it's just completing criminal missions, steal cars, run like an idiot to find your house and kill people and stuff, what's the fun in that? I guess I don't see it because I'm a girl :D

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