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Posts posted by qwebs101

  1. What do you think about the relationship between usa and saudi arabia??it will be more close ?? the inport-expeort will graw up or not ?? what do you know about this subject ???


    In Washington, the White House said President George W. Bush had offered his condolences to King Abdullah. A US State Department official said King Fahds death would not affect bilateral ties. The official said Washington had very good

    relations with King Abdullah. Given the late kings prolonged illness, Abdullah had been running policy and they are used to working with him.


    King Fahd was considered a Middle East peacemaker. He engaged himself for dialogue between the Islamic world and the West with intelligence, far-sightedness and great personal commitment, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said in a telegram to King Abdullah. His balanced policies and mediation in the Middle East

    brought him and Saudi Arabia respect and recognition around the world.

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