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Posts posted by Jettison

  1. You know, there's more than three Grand Theft Auto Games. There's Grand Theft Auto one, two, London 1969, III, Advance, Vice City, and San Andreas, not to mention all the ports and box sets. On topic, although I've only played GTA III and Vice City, I'm moderately confident that Vice City is probably the best. You really can't beat the 1980's parody it has.

  2. I'm cranking out the reviews like a crazy man!


    Gather ?round children, and immerse yourself in flames a Rare retelling of a gallant tale; Donkey Kong Country 2 Diddy?s Kong Quest.


    Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy?s Kong Quest for the Super NES was masterpiece on a bun cartridge. Many a night and year I have traveled through Crocodile Isle, rescuing a certain ape Nintendo created yet knows nothing about, but makes games for him anyway. Jerks. In any case, DKC2 for the GBA probably isn?t a game you?d want to rush out and buy, but it does however offer something, that in the end, is something worth picking up?Eventually.


    The first thing you?ll notice after you stick the game in your mouth, suck on it, put it in your GBA, go through the menus, suck on it again , and repeat is that the world and over world maps have changed, at least in my opinion, for the worse. For one, it feels less DKC2ish, and for another, you can no longer race back and forth really fast trying to get Diddy dizzy. Nuh-uh. Obviously, there goes most of our late night activities down the El Johnno.


    The actual gameplay represents the original fairly well, although you?ll probably notice a few things that have changed. What are these, you ask? Don?t ask me, I?m just a DKC2 expert writing a review on said game?ANYWAY! Gameplay is good, but not as great as the original. So pull up (or down) your pants and dance the happy dance, ?cause it?s MODERATELY IN-TACT!


    Remember how each level of DKC2 felt like a treat, and complemented the world it was under extremely well? Not anymore. Apparently, keeping that mix is too much to ask because, as previously mentioned, the maps have been changed to where it no longer goes along with the levels as well. On top of this atrocity, the levels themselves don?t feel the same, or give off as good of a vibe. Although this can be attributed to the graphics, which aren?t as good as the SNES version, has fewer backgrounds, and the night levels have turned into day, it?s also part of the sound effects and music.


    The music and sound of DKC2 for SNES is legendary, and is my personal choice for the best game music ever. The GBA version however, does not hold a candle to this. The music often sounds off and severely out of tune (I absolutely cannot stand the music that?s played when Dixie dies), and is only weakened by the fact that it?s counterpart was so good. I will say that, although not the same and not as good as the SNES version, the sound effects are pretty good. It may not feel the same, but I feel they managed to do fairly well, considering the limits of the GBA.


    All in all, DKC2 is a solid game with gameplay that is similar to the original, and still great after all these years. I probably would have rated the game higher if I didn?t have a counterpart to compare it too, which brings the score down a few notches. The fact that Rare did have something to compare it too, I think they could have raised the bar a bit and made it stand out more. As of the way it is, I give it a 7.3 out of 10.

  3. I know I said rating with numbers wasn't my style, yet this one does. So go figure.Here's a review for the classic Nintendo NES game by Rare called "Snake, Rattle, 'N Roll."In 1990, the gaming world was brightened by a simple, cheery, isometric platformer for the NES. It didn't have much for character depth, or extended vocabulary(instead of words like "Pugnacious!", when you beat a level, you'd get praise like "Awesome!", and "Wicked!"), but nonetheless, it was a fantastic game. It certainly deserves a place alongside other Rare NES classics like Battletoads and Anticipation.Story: 7.5/10Simple enough, really. Two snakes set out to climb a mountain to grab a flag on the moon. Maybe not an epic account, but fun nonetheless.Graphics: 8/10It was the NES, so don't expect a visual masterpiece, but the style is very fitting, which is why it gets the high rating. And they even hid in the word "Gameboy" into the game, for the observant gamer.Sound: 9/10This has one of the best NES soundtracks there is. The style is based off of 50's music, probably due to the title theme being based off of the(50's) song "Shake Rattle and Roll". But the rest of the songs are original, and very fun to listen to. Oh, and as for sound effects, you can't deny the joy in hearing the whirring noise you get once you finish a difficult level.Gameplay: 9/10Very simple, yet very effective. It mainly involves running(well, sliding) about, and hopping across an isometric playing field. There are a bunch of nifty powerups to keep it entertaining, and some verrry difficult jumping challenges. Which brings me to...Difficulty: 9.8/10This has got to be one of the hardest games. Ever. Hands down. The later levels featuring ice are just not *BLEEP*ing fair. There's not a moment that you can be moving and not thinking intensely. Maybe not as difficult as Battletoads, but hard nonetheless.Originality: 9.5/10Come on- Try to find a game like this anywhere else. There may be one or two at the most, an they're all Rare classics from this period.Level Design: 9/10The levels are like a premature version of Donkey Kong Country's. They feature similar jumping-timing layouts, so I think Gregg Mayles was the designer, but I'm not sure. Anyway. They're very well-done and varied. You even get to run around an isometric fish tank and eat Fish-Pibbleys in 3D.All-in-all, this is a must have for NES owners. If you don't have it, be sure to look for it on the Nintendo Revolution as a possible downloadable classic, or email Rare until they make a sequel.

  4. Game: Resident Evil 4System: GamecubeRelease Date: 01/11/2005Players: 1Rated: MPublisher: CapcomDeveloper: CapcomGenre: Survival Horror/ActionResident Evil 4 can best be described as an enema the constipated RE series was in dire need of. The ever-despised, dodgy camera system, teeth-grindingly frustrating controls, painfully predictable enemies and the occasional lackluster voice overs had the franchise swamped and seemingly dead in the water.January 11th, 2005, the botheration of these cop-outs were finally put to rest. Gone were the gut-wrenchingly terrible camera angles, the clumsy controls, boring enemies, and most; if not all of the dreaded voice acting.Meet Resident Evil 4, a total revamp for the series, and a good one at that. You'll play the main campaign as Resident Evil 2's well-groomed, and resourceful Leon Scott Kennedy, in search of the recently abducted Ashley Graham; the United State's President's daughter. Leon's quest begins low-profile, but enters a snowball effect and grows to immense proportions.Along the way, you'll come across many diverse locales and characters who populate them. You'll see it all, from the crazed common folk (Ganados), to the sinister Los Illuminados cult leaders. All the game's characters have well written, and very charismatic personalities.While the controls for Resident Evil 4 aren't really any different from it's predecessors, this is a good thing. The controls work exceptionally well in conjunction with the new over-the shoulder camera system, and are easy to get accustomed to in short time. R readies your equipped weapon, L readies your knife, pressing A while holding L or R will invoke Leon to fire/ use the readied weapon. Pressing B while holding R will cause Leon to reload his weapon he has equipped. The control stick or digital pad functions as your movement, and your aiming. About faces, and quick turning are pulled off with ease, and in general controlling Leon is slick. However, RE4's controls could have been more tweaked and streamlined, adding in the ability of strafing wouldn' t hurt, and you can't aim and move at the same time.To say the least, the graphics in RE4 are nothing short of stupendous. Every bit of the game is eerily beautiful and rendered amazingly well, and adding an extra layer of dread to the theme of the game. Resident Evil 4 is quite possibly one of the best looking games of all time. It's that good. From something as minute as the raindrops splashing against Leon's clothes to the squalid and vile appearance of the chainsaw wielding maniac Dr. Salvador, wondrous graphics are aplenty in Resident Evil 4, and oh boy, can they be repugnant, but at the same time, not over-the-top or unnecessary.Gameplay in this survival horror romp is highly enjoyable as well as incredibly diverse. You will find yourself thrown into a number of different situations; among these are being tugged along in small boat by an overgrown salamander, or barricading, yourself in a cabin and having to fend off an insane amount of crazed Ganados. There are also frequent instances in which you must press a button or combination of buttons in order to perform a task, failing to do so can often result in a tastefully gruesome demise. Capcom has also decided to amp the flow of action by making small movements easily done with the touch of a button, such as climbing ladders, jumping out of windows, jumping down from heights, putting up ladders, etc. Personally, Resident Evil 4 could be the most intense game I've played yet. There are also many times when your escort Ashley throughout various locales, however, almost as soon as you begin to tire of having her follow you around, she ends up getting kidnaped for a good few chapters, giving you some freedom from managing the well being of two people. In summary, gameplay is RE4 is diverse, and always a blast to play.The replay value in Resident Evil is plentiful. Once completing the main game, you can open up a slew of different things to do. Most noteworthy are the two "mini-game" scenarios, Assignment Ada, and The Mercenaries. In Assignment Ada, you take control of the mysterious Ada Wong in her mission to retrieve 5 Las Plagas virus samples from an island stronghold. Here you'll face hordes of enemies, possibly die a lot, and have your patience and skill put to the test. However, after completing this daunting journey, you are granted the ability to purchase the Chicago Typewriter from the Merchant on your next play-through. However, Mercenaries is a different, more insanely non-stop action packed romp that is also very hard and incredibly hard to put down. Your main objective is to destroy, and or kill any creature that be in your way. Kills and treasures earn you points which in turn, are added together and give you a score markup at the end of the game, assuming you survive the tussles. This will form into a grade out of five stars, depending on your score, you may score low or high. Nabbing a four star rating or higher nets you the ability to unlock a new character for play in the mini-game. By using all unlocked characters and getting five star ratings with all them, on every level will reward you with the Hand cannon, a seemingly weak gun you can pick up free of charge. But by upgrading it fully, you can transform it into a high-powered magnum featuring infinite ammo.This is only a section of the goodies to be found. Try going about objectives with different strategies, weapons, and the like. Buy the Matilda, Mine Thrower, or Infinite Rocket Launcher if you fancy doing so.Originality factor for RE4. Quite. How could one possibly label this erratic survival horror venture as uninspired? There's so much originality within the game, Capcom has really out-done themselves this time. Whether you're pitted against a tremendous gigantic experiment, dodging attacks during a cinematic battle in real time, or simply immersing yourself in the bizarre, yet earthly story of Resident Evil 4, there is no such thing as a dull moment in this game.Giving games a number isn't my style, but I personally love Resident Evil 4, through and through. I give it my highest recommendation, and personal choice for Best Game Of 2005.

  5. It was the message you get when it can't find the page.


    It might have had something to do with one of the staff members for the site activating it, and before he could tell me, I tried and failed a couple times. He said that earlier in the day it was working for him. But now it doesn't work for either of us. We can access the Cpanel however. (Which may I say, is STUNNING. It really beats our old host by far)

  6. I followed the link that was sent to me in the e-mail, filled it out, and recived the following:


    Processing.. Please wait!. Do not hit RELOAD or BACK..

    Username Validated.

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    Database Connection Established.

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    Username Validated.

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    Sorry! You are cannot signup for a hosting Package!

    What's wrong?


    Notice from cmatcmextra:
    You know to use the quote tag when you copy something you did not write. Warning issued.

  7. Greetings all, I am a fellow known as Jettison, yes, it's my name. 15 years aged, resident of America, every dog's best friend.Anyways, I enjoy a good book, writing, drawing, designing games, playing games, and many other things.I am an avid fan of the work of game developer Rare Ltd. I have a fansite created, but am looking for a better place to host it. The site is dedicated to the games they've created, as well as a tribute to the company itself.

  8. My vavorite Xbox game is Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath. It is an extremely fun game with a great storyline and cinematics. The game gets better and better as it goes. I wan't spoil anything, but it really starts to pick up at the turning point, adding to the fun factor. My seccond favorite game is Conker: Live and Reloaded, but it just isn't quite as good as OW:SW.

  9. What? The PS3 is a lot more powerful than the Xbox 360. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. Compare specs for it, or for that matter, just look at the screens for each system. PS3 is clearly more powerful than the X360. I think you might be confused, since the current Xbox is in fact more powerful than the PS2. Sony will have the most powerful console next gen. (Unless, of course, the Nintendo Revolution beats it, which I doubt)

  10. But it's not my kinda game, because I like killing people, not sneaking past them.

    That's not what Perfect Dark is like. It focuses a lot on killing people. It is a First Person Shooter, after all.


    If you've ever played 007 GoldenEye for the N64 (NOT to be confused with the more recent GoldenEye: Rouge Agent), the original Perfect Dark is an unofficial sequel to it.


    And I should make clear that Perfect Dark Zero will be for the Xbox 360, so it's not out, or done yet.

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