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Posts posted by aaaeseg

  1. In my opinion Absolutely Maven.

    Maven isnt just a build tool, but a project's life-cycle Management tool. you have the control of the project's dependencies, deployments, versions, documentations, tests.

    Maven provides a declarative way to especify the project with the pom.xml files, where you declare WATH you wanna do for the project, not HOW. Maven takes care of the rest (find your libs and put in the right place).

    I recommend you to take a look at the maven guide for more informations.

  2. Have you guys heard about Jboss Seam framework?I've worked with that framework for 2 years and I think its very good to work with web development. It has a lot off interesting features like, dependency injection, management session beans and an extended EL for the JSF pages. And most of the configuration is done with java annotations reducing the XML files.I've also worked with struts and struts2 but I prefer Jboss seam.I've heard a lot of good recommendations about the srping framwework but i never tryied yet, i hope to find more time to study Spring.

  3. Hello everybody!


    Let me introduce myself


    I'm from Brazil, I'm finishing my college in Computer Science and I'm currently working with Java Web Development. If you have any issues about JAVA, JSP, JSF, STRUTS, JBOSS, etc. You may ask my help, i cannot assure I will solve your problem but i will do my best.

    I don't know much thing about PHP but I'm trying to learn some tricks! XD That's why i'm here. to increase my knowledge AND share it with anyone interested.


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