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Posts posted by kosmik

  1. This colour code system is great mainly for MW2 since it will work with the names aswell, in COD4 you can only use it for the weapon classes, which is ok for people into colour coding. I use it myself in MW2 for the names since my whole clan uses it for their name tags.

  2. This seems like a very good initiative for alot of beginner web designers and people just starting out the world of internet and websites. This is a great package for a personal website only since the webspace and bandwidth is low but the price is perfect for those who are looking for something cheap and easy. Thankyou OpaQue for this plan I will tell many people of this offer.

  3. The simple view of the game in my opinion is that Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is a money making sequel of Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare pumped up with more features for multiplayer, destroyed multiplayer server capabilities and a continued story.


    The story, in this case simgleplayer, was fantastic and kind of hard on the PC version at Veteran Difficulty(I died many times). But the story continues loosely from the end of COD4 with the story of Soap MacTavish, and then incorporates a threat to the United States of America, ;) who would have thought but the Russians. But the singleplayer takes approx 9-10 hours to complete on the default difficulty. As for the graphics, well yes they are great to look at and everything but they aren't new since it is an updated version of the COD4 engine, and the COD4 engine was a heavily modified version of the quake 4 engine, which originally was the Quake 3 engine and so on and so on. :P oh and the game dialogue is generally good aswell.


    The multiplayer well here is where the game has its Mt. Everest Highs and it's Pacific Ocean lows (<-- omg those examples are bad). The multiplayer system in COD4 was the original Dedicated Server, you pick a name and you join system, which is what most games use, but however Infinity Ward (creators of MW2) decided to combat piracy and hackers that they should incorporate a Peer 2 Peer multiplayer server system, which involves the game picking out the best persons internet for a particular match and allowing them to host the match. So if the person hosting has bad internet, everyone else suffers and if the hackers find a way of cheating they might be hosting aswell, so it kind of sucks. Also there is no server admins or anything like that since the system is mostly automatic. BUT THE GOOD THING ABOUT MULTIPLAYER is if you end up in a good game with no lag etc, then I can say you will have fun since the multiplayer has around 10+ modes to play from and heaps of maps, weapons, attachments, perks, challenges, and JUST IT"S FEATURE PACKED, don't doubt me on that...


    SO that is my half a review of the MW2 game by Infinity Ward, hope this helps for people wondering to buy it.


    Final recommendation is to buy it cause it is fun to play but not to admire :P

  4. I prefer using the M4A1 Rifle Silenced with the USP Silenced. This combination I have binded to run at the start of all rounds so I buy it instantly so there is no fuss. I use this combo because it is easy to aim and use and has enough ammo for the job, I don't bother with grenades or sniping because I don't camp much I'm alwasy running into the room spraying everything in sight.

  5. Well I can't really vote on this because the selections are kind of stupid but since I have tested the pre-release beta of CS5 codenamed White Rabbit all I have to say is WAIT FOR THE FINAL RELEASE, since the beta is far from stable, it is full of bugs, and doesn't have all the features. It is pretty much a non-working version of cs4 with a different menu. I was surprised that it performs faster in the Windows 7 environment and that it is also a smaller app,( the beta that I encounted ) I'm not sure about the final.


    For now I'm back to CS4 and I still like CS4.

  6. Now Open Office is not the best of tools for HTML editing since OO is more for Office Applications similar to Word or Publisher etc. The best HTML editing app for free that I can think of is Notepad++. It is perfect in the sense that it highlights the different areas of code of the HTML and it's very easy to find what you want to edit + it's very lightweight and can be used in many OS's, it's also Open-source I think??Notepad++ also supports more than just HTML language, you can code in PHP, C++, JS and many many more languages.

  7. This would be hard to choose one, because you have to consider codecs availability and player features. So here goes.I like VLC Media Player and all it's features but I hate how it doesn't utilize outside codecs, where if you where to use Media Player Classic and CCCP Codecs Pack then you can play every single format from videos, audio and even image formats ;)Then there are Audio Management systems the two most popular are iTunes and Winamp. iTunes is very iPod specific and requires you to have a CC iTunes Shop account just to listen to radio when in winamp it is free. Winamp is also faster at searching for songs and organising them just a little confusing to the average ipod geek though.

  8. Thankyou for sharing this site, my little brother will enjoy this. I will pass it on to him now. Firstly the design is perfect, there is little bandwidth usage and the amount of games on there is awesome. I may suggest creating game categories for example : violent to safe etc : but the whole of the site is great. I see youhave used the free hosting from Webs, I hope that is going well for you? Maybe you can switch to Xisto when you get enough mycents ;)

  9. This seems really interesting since I have never heard of that scheme before to setup a .xxx, it would look like a dodgy virus site in my opinion. But it could work in the world of internet, the porn industry started back in the 60's it would be good for the web to have a dedicated domain entry. Although the security to minors needs to be updated somewhat since young children can easily access anything these days on the internet.

  10. I would suggest if you wanted to get the site popular is to advertise or promote it on multiple forums/bulletin boards, that is one way. Another way is to tell people on social networking sites or techonology sites and also telling people in real life. You can maybe make partnerships with fellow websites or forum admins that you know of or make avatars and graphics to support the site.

  11. Hello, my name is KosmikI want would like to say HI ;)I am here on this forum to get to know some members and have some fun, and also get some free hosting eventually, which would be good. I have seen the packages available on Xisto and I was very interested in the Yearly Ultimate package, this would be perfect for me since I finish school next year so I would be able to pay for the next years fee once I finish my first year. To get the myCents to get award that package is my challenge at the moment. :PI like the sites design it is very simplistic which is what I like about it, and also the fact that it is full of members and topics to browse through. I will be posting actively myself so I hope to see you on the forum somewhere.Thanks :P

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